where does mc find the files it needs?

I have 3 versions of mc that all get there own
files in different places:

1. static mc that comes with mkpart so you can
boot a CD that can do rescue stuff with mc.
E.g.mc.ext is on /usr/lib/mc/ here.

2. mc 4.6.0 that has undelete with it. This is
the vanilla tarball: mc.ext is on

3. mc 4.6.0 that comes with the distro: debian
testing: it does not have undelete, the reason I
got the tarball too en it is not static, the
reason I cannot use it for mkpart. mc.ext is on

Question: the man page says that mc.ext is on
usr/local/share/mc unless $MC_DATADIR is set. But
I don't find that set anywhere. Where does mc
find its files so I can put a static mc on a
bootable CD that has everything I want?

Sorry for asking this here but the archive search
tool is not in the best of shapes....


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