Bug tracker doesn't work

Hi. I tried to created bug report on http://www.midnight-commander.org . When I typed button "Submit bug 
report", my browser freezed for a something like a minute, and then finally reported some server error. Then 
I tried to send this bug report again, again and again. And then I noticed that all bug report actually was 
created. So, I am very sorry about this incident. Please remove all this bug reports except the first one ( 
http://www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/3310 ). Same issue persist when I try to create comment. And same 
issue was when I reported my previous bug report ( https://www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/3275 ).

Also, when I sent this lots of bug reports, the cite itself stopped to work. I. e. the main page 
http://www.midnight-commander.org didn't open. And this is not only for me ( 
http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com proved this). And the site was unavailable for something like a minute.

My IP address is, my ISP is "Дом.ру" ( http://kazan.domru.ru/ ), my location is Kazan, Russia. 
My browser is Chromium Version 35.0.1916.153 Built on Debian 7.5, running on Debian 7.7 (274914). Same 
problem persists with browser Iceweasel 31.2.0 (fork of Firefox 31.2.0). My OS is Debian 7.7.

So, please, fix this site issue immediately. Its priority is critical (unlike that Shift-Left bug). The issue 
means that bug tracker doesn't work normally, and moreover, anyone in Internet can crash your site for a 
minute (and then again for minute etc)

Askar Safin
Kazan, Russia

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