Re: New design ideas


Thanks for your work, it looks great!

Some comments!

I'm thinking about Point of interest. First of in a general way. What is a point of interest?
In Nominatim, a search API for OpenStreetMap there are _a lot_ of types:

Are all of them Points of Interests?

The more direct question is: which types to we "filter" out to be POIs in Maps?
My Google Maps app on my phone has: Restaurant, Cafés, Bars and Sights.
Do we have any suggestion for a similar filtering?

If I get an POI as a Search Result should then that also have the POI icon?

The popovers for Search Result that should always be visible. Should it also be able to move with the map?
Or will it disapear if I pan/zoom? Should it be visible while the map view travels to it, or only when I've arrived?
(Sorry, I'm just thinking like an engineer here :) It wil lbe easier to implement if just the marker is visible while traveling to it,
and the bubble pops up when we have arrived).

Thanks again for the design!

In the headerbar mockup the search results have a single line rendering "Onsala Herrgård" while the bookmark menu has
a two line rendering. Are they different by design or should both be of one of the types?

2014-03-13 18:37 GMT+01:00 Andreas Nilsson <lists andreasn se>:
Since Mattias have been over at my house a lot recently, we've been discussing some ideas for Maps back and forth a bit. There is currently a lot of gray areas around how some functionality should work interaction-wise, so I've put down some ideas for a potential future for the headerbar and the popups.

Let me know what you think about the mockups. If it makes sense, if something is unclear, or if some detail feels just plain wrong:

I've also added them to the design wiki page:

- Andreas
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