Re: [libxml++] FW: GNOME Platform Bindings release set

Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:

If I have not mentioned it already, I would like to move libxml++ to the GNOME CVS and bugzilla, for this next version of the
libxml++ API.
We might like to move the mailing list to GNOME as well, but that's less important. Does that sound OK?

If libxml++ is going to be part of GNOME bindings, then it is more logical to do so.

OK, I will ask for a bugzilla component, and I will create a libxml++ cvs
module after we do the 1.0.0.

Can we restore a repositery tarball from the sourceforge cvs ?

The mailing list can wait a bit I think.
What about the homepage ? and the file releases ?

We can do the file releases on as well. It's much easier than
using sourceforge.

It's not such a big deal :-) But why not.

There is no big need to move the home page, but we can do that too.

The only thing which bugs me a bit is to have the project splitted in several places. On the other hand moving everything at once is not that needed.

Do you already have a GNOME CVS account and/or shell account?

No. I guess there is a URL to register.


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