Re: regarding scaling libsoup server

Hello Allen,

Generally speaking, forget about doing serious scaling using any library or tool that uses GLib underneath. Regardless of many other limitations, it does not use epoll for checking descriptors' state and you are likely to run into c10k problem even if you use multiple cores.

I suggest taking a look at Elixir/Phoenix, Java/Netty or Go (in that order).


sob., 29.04.2017, 13:36 użytkownik Allen Rintoul <arkjcc gmail com> napisał:

I am building a websocket application using libsoup. During my testing I observed the cpu which runs the main loop getting pegged at around 300 websocket connections and beyond ~1000 connections I am observing client connection failures.

Is there a way to spread the connections across all the cpus? or is it by design all libsoup functions needs to be executed in the same thread?

I also see from perf top that more than 30 percent of the time is spend on g_list_sort_with_data(). I have an i5-4440S CPU @ 2.80GHz (4 threads) and 16G RAM. While the cpu running main loop is getting pegged the other 3 cores are more or less idling.

Any thoughts on scaling libsoup to make use of all the cores?

Thank you

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