Re: Data in the response_body using the GIR bindings from Python

On 03/10/2012 07:16 AM, Marcel Stimberg wrote:
> About the difference to the documentation: I was under the impression
> that after a successful request, the full message body is contained in

That's correct, unless you did message.request_body.set_accumulate(False).

> However, this is not the case, even after
> calling .flatten() on the request_body, the data field only contains
> something like the first chunk of the response. My workaround right
> now is to use the buffer returned by the flatten function, this does
> indeed contain the whole data.

That's weird... this may be a problem with the python bindings.

> Any helpful suggestions or comments? Should I open a bug report for it
> or am I doing something wrong?

I'd ask the pygobject people... they may know more about these issues,
or if there are any unimplemented things in their gobject-introspection
support that might cause this.

I don't think it's a problem with the introspection annotations in
libsoup, because I know people are using it from javascript without
major problems...

-- Dan

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