Re: Query about Chunked Request posting..

We had a similar problem with Shotwell (especially when uploading videos).  A workaround suggested by Dan Winship was to use memory-mapped I/O:

If you're sending the contents of a file, that might solve your problem.

-- Jim

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 6:46 AM, sukanya c <sukanya mc gmail com> wrote:


We are using Libsoup for an Application, that is capable of sending and receiving mails.

The issue is that though the huge mail data is sent in the form of chunks, libsoup consumes more memory.

The reason being that, as per the link "", the libsoup doesn't discard the request body till the request is completely sent, even if accumulate flag is set to FALSE.

But, while sending huge size of data to the Network, this results in high memory consumption.

Please let us know, "If the application takes care of resending the data in case of failure, Is there a way to enforce libsoup to discard the request chunks".




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