[jokosher-devel] Required Homework -- Listen to this podcast

Dann from the Linux Link Tech show recording a small 10 minute podcast using Jokosher 0.1. Although we released that version a really long time ago, He talks through his whole experience and gives everyone a great look at what a user will experience, and what their first impressions of us will be. Here's the link:


There are some usability problems he talks about -- some of which are fixed in 0.2 -- and other which I will need to look into. One think that it seems a lot of people are doing is he assumes that for recording audio from the microphone he *has* to use the vocal instrument, and for importing an audio file he *has* to use the audio file instrument. I guess users will figure out that this is not the case eventually, but its something to think about that could be more obvious.

Hopefully we can look into some of the bugs he mentions as well.


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