RE: send a manual ceated signal to a window or widget

On 23 December 2014 23:43, quoth Klaus Rudolph:
Yes, my need is actually to work around the missing implementation of
support in goocanvasmm. But resending maybe converted signals/events can
help to fix bugs in the implementation. There is a bug in goocanvas which
makes goocanvas hard to use if you open a dialog from a event send to a
goocanvas item. There is something mysterious in pointer grabbing which
not so easily fixed by other workarounds. Sending a key release event
manually helps here a lot.

Have you tried using a timeout or dispatcher to open the dialog from a
separate main loop cycle instead of trying to do it directly inside the
goocanvas event?  Some events might not be intended to be synchronously
blocked for a long time and the library might not be sufficiently
re-entrant.  (Because those things can be hard.)

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