Re: Gtk::Grid::attach_next_to

On Sat, 25 Oct 2014 11:43:17 +0000
Thomas Harty <t harty1 physics ox ac uk> wrote:
The documentation for Gtk::Grid::attach_next_to
says that the sibling widget can be set to 0 to place the child
widget at the beginning/end of the grid. Does this imply a conversion
between int and Gtk::Widget&, or am I missing something?

This looks like an artefact from the documentation for GTK+ which has
been pulled in.   You cannot have null references in C++ so you will
probably have to use the C interface to get this to work (that is, call
gtk_grid_attach_next_to()).  For that purpose, you can call the grid's
and widget's gobj() method to get the pointers for the first and second
arguments for that function. Alternatively, if you want to stick with
the C++ interface, you could do the necessary calculations yourself and
call the attach() method.

You could regard this as a wrapper error, and file a bug.  However,
there is probably little that can be done about it, except provide a
new overload without the sibling argument.


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