Trying to add documentation


I'm trying to make a patch to add some documentation to TreeView, but
I'm not having any luck.  It patches fine, that's not the issue.  I
just don't know where to put the documentation to make it work. I
placed it in treeview.hg right above the _WRAP_METHOD macro for the
function I wanted, but when I did a make it wasn't there.  Did I just
miss something? My bit looks like other documentation bits, at least
to me.

Below is my patch.

--- treeview.hg 2008-08-05 14:09:47.000000000 -0500
+++ treeview.mine.hg    2008-08-05 13:46:28.000000000 -0500
@@ -674,7 +674,9 @@
   _WRAP_METHOD(bool get_show_expanders() const,
   _WRAP_METHOD(void set_level_indentation(int indentation),
   _WRAP_METHOD(int get_level_indentation() const,
+       /**
+       * You may wish to consider set_tooltip_column for ease of
+       */
   _WRAP_METHOD(void set_tooltip_row(const Glib::RefPtr<Tooltip>&
tooltip, const TreePath& path), gtk_tree_view_set_tooltip_row)

   //Note that we use pointers instead of references because any one
of the 3 arguments may be NULL, and we don't want that many method
@@ -735,6 +737,12 @@
                                 bool keyboard_tip,
                                 Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter);

+       /**
+       * @param column: The number of the column as added to the
+       *
+       * Sets the tooltip for each row based on a column in the
Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord being
+       * used. "Columns" are numbered in the order which they are
added to the Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord.
+       */
   _WRAP_METHOD(void set_tooltip_column(int column),
   _WRAP_METHOD(int get_tooltip_column() const,

Thanks in advance,

- John Hobbs

john velvetcache org

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