Re: [GtkGLExt] Is it possible to use overlays with gtkglextmm?

It would depend on how your data is ordered. Consider a 1000x1000 (8-bit) texture, that can hold 1,000,000 points. That's 1Megabyte. Ok, x1000 for that for a 3D texture volume and that's 1Gb of texture data for 1 billion points :P

Depending on your data is formatted and such these kinds of figures are way more than you need, however, it's set as an example. A modern card, or even a pair or more for parallel computing (see nVidia) can handle quite a lot - if you want to see a test of volumetric rendering you can download and profile much sample code out there!

   I have to add one thing, as I read this in your last post:

of the requirements is to have the facility to view large files in full
detail. Applying transformations globally and moving the points away
from the origin also cannot work because OpenGL uses single precision
floating point, which cannot handle the need for having coordinates that
can express, with precision, values such as 20000.345, so I currently
place the points around the origin, their coordinates subtracted by
offsets that change each time. Also, I have been using GTK because the

No need to use floating point by the way, and you can get round single-precision quite easily by multiplying your values by, say, 1000 before storing them in your vertex array. There's a lot of headroom in there!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Is it possible to use overlays with gtkglextmm?
Date: 	Thu, 11 Feb 2010 17:20:12 +0000
From: 	Haraldur Tristan Gunnarson <harg pml ac uk>
To: 	Jose Commins <axora axora net>

Hi Jose,

Would that work with tens of millions of points in a bottom layer and
with boxes and lines in a top layer, with the boxes and lines changing
without having to redraw the stuff on the bottom layer? If so, what
would the performance be like? Would it involve rasterisation being done
twice? I also worry that such a large texture might take up a lot of
additional memory.



On 10/02/10 14:15, Jose Commins wrote:
      You can try using 3D textures for volumetric rendering, it lends
itself to layer-slicing quite well.


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