Re: [gtk-vnc-devel] [PATCH 4/4] Call WSAStartup / WSACleanup

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 03:11:30PM +0000, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> On Windows (but not Wine[1]) you have to call WSAStartup before you
> can do any winsock [socket] functions.  If you don't do this then the
> socket functions will all fail with WSANOTINITIALISED.
> You can call WSAStartup multiple times, but you also have to call
> WSACleanup once for each time you called WSAStartup.
> This patch ensures that WSAStartup is called when the gtk-vnc widget
> is created, before any socket functions, and that WSACleanup is called
> when the gtk-vnc widget is deleted.

ACK, i see we have the same init calls in libvirt, which I'd missed 
when doing this for gtkvnc.

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