Re: [Gtk-osx-users] Building for OS X Snow Leopard

I'm down to the two final problems getting my app to compile on GTK Native Snow Leopard.
First is that gtksourceview doesn't build in jhbuild due to an error in the ftp url (version folder name is 2.7, should be 2.8)
Second is that GtkGlExt is written against X11, so...


I believe the ige-mac-bundler is a downloadable from and if I am not mistaken it is all Python ??

I was confused by ige-mac-bundle.c and h in the src folder of ige-mac-integration.

un-packit into your home directory. cd into ige-mac-bunler and type "make install"

It will set install in bin under you home directory. Update your path variable to include the bin directory created in your home directory 

in my case:

prompt> export PATH=$PATH:/Users/shawn/bin

here is what my path looks like after:

once you have done so. Copy the giggle.bundle, info.plist, and gtkrc into your build directory make the necessary changes to the files and 

prompt> ige-mac-bundler giggle.bundle

or what ever else you called the file. Most of the instructions are on the website above, and in the bundle file itself. 

Perhaps, it would be best if jhbuld and the bundler both used ~/.local/bin so you would not need both?

I am horrid at Python, never learned it :S 

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From: jacob juvul com
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 22:26:40 +0100
To: gtk-osx-users lists sourceforge net
Subject: Re: [Gtk-osx-users] Building for OS X Snow Leopard

On Nov 13, 2009, at 12:34 AM, Shawn Bakhtiar wrote:

This time it ran flawlessly!

I did not need to configure any additional libraries, did not run into the HAVE_CUPS_API_1_2 issue.

I downloaded the latest version of the

prompt> sh

once this was done, I edited the .jhbuildrc-custom file and added the line:

setup_sdk(target="10.5", sdk_version="10.5", architectures=["i386"])

prompt> jhbuild build bootstrap 
prompt> jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap 
prompt> jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core
prompt> jhbuild build libglade
I have recompiled my application. No problems.

I have also used the ige-mac-bundler to create an app bundle that has all the correct references and files (except for libmysql, which I have to build into /usr and simply copy the lib files over when we do a new install)

I don't understand this ige-mac-bundler. On my system I have only .c and .h files in src which fails to compile with jhbuild build ige-mac-integration and also make ige-mac-bundle in src?

Jacob Kolding

It works great! Thanks for all you help John, whatever you did worked, you d man!

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From: shashaness hotmail com
To: gtk-osx-users lists sourceforge net
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 17:00:33 -0500
Subject: Re: [Gtk-osx-users] Building for OS X Snow Leopard

Oh.... nice..

starting over now.

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> From: jralls ceridwen fremont ca us
> Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 13:51:14 -0800
> To: gtk-osx-users lists sourceforge net
> Subject: Re: [Gtk-osx-users] Building for OS X Snow Leopard
> On Nov 12, 2009, at 12:18 PM, John Ralls wrote:
> >
> > So I've been digging into it, and the problem is that
> > HAVE_CUPS_API_1_2 *should* be defined in config.h. The underlying
> > problem is that for CUPS before 1.2, the http struct was exposed, so
> > that dispatch->request->http->fd compiles; for 1.2 and later, one
> > needs to use the accessor httpGetFd (dispatch->request->http) instead.
> > It seems, though, that in some of my builds gtkprintbackendcups.c
> > compiles anyway, even if HAVE_CUPS_API_1_2 isn't defined -- so
> > something else is going on.
> >
> And the answer is... an error in jhbuildrc-gtk-osx which made 
> configure unable to call cups-config, so HAVE_CUPS_API_1_2 wasn't set. 
> I've pushed a fixed copy, so everyone should rerun gtk-osx-build- 
> There are also a couple of typos in setup_universal_build() that I 
> fixed, but as yet, the universal build isn't working: It builds, but 
> crashes.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
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