Re: What to use on GTK+3

On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 8:41 PM, Allin Cottrell <cottrell wfu edu> wrote:

However, in relation to Igor's original point, giving the user options of
Yes/No is IMO fine if your dialog asks a short, simple question that
requires an answer of Yes or No. As in

Overwrite <filename>? Yes/No
Send message? Yes/No
Really delete X? Yes/No

One could rephrase these messages as something other than Yes/No questions
but would that actually be clearer? I doubt it.

I think you're wrong. Each one of these can be converted into a dialog
of the following general form:

      Need confirmation to carry out potentially significant action

        [ Do not take this action ]    [ Take this action ]

A specific case may help

      Overwriting this file may cause data loss

       [ Do not overwrite the file ]   [ Overwrite the file ]


      Once your message is sent, you cannot delete it.

       [ Do not send this message]  [ Send this message]

Both these examples are clearer, because they explain what is at stake.

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