Re: another memory leak

On Fri, 31 Oct 2008, Alexander Semenov wrote:

Jacques Le Normand wrote:
thank you for helping me to solve my previous post, which 
found that I had a memory leak. The solution was to remove uim 
(universal input method). I have a new memory leak problem. 
This one creates and removes 2000 text entries every 100ms. 
I've had top showing 64 megs resident after 5 minutes (and no 
sign of stopping).
If anyone could run the code to see if they get a memory leak 
(and post the result) it would be great! ...

I've tried this and I had the same results.

"top" is not a leak detector.  valgrind, which is what you should 
be using, shows no leak on GTK's part in this example.

Allin Cottrell

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