Re: Simple Yes/No dialog

On 15-Jul-2006 15:34:12, Freddie Unpenstein wrote:

if you want to make non-blocking dialogs, you have to take care
i.e. that:
- a lot of non-blocking-dialogs may be opened, and stay open.

gtk_widget_present() comes in handy there...
thanks, this is very useful for non-blocking dialog.
but nevertheless, it's currently very unlikely that I will use them...

gtk_widget_present().  (Or is it gtk_window_present()...  Nawww....  heh)
it's gtk_window_present()
How many times do I need to say it?
once would have been enough...

Likewise I've always felt that "Close" dialogs shouldn't hastle the user if
the file's unmodified, but should otherwise present the options; "Save" (only
if the file is named), "Save as ...", "Discard changes", and "Don't quit". 
definitely, yes.

I detest blocking dialogs...
oh, this depends - sometimes I find them very useful.

And "always on top" splash screens; they're not too bad if you can just
click on them to make them go away, except when they dissapear just as
you click, and you end up clicking something that was beneath them!
or you click on the window beneath, and suddenly, a popup opens an steals the
click. and so on...

_all_ unrequested windows/popups are evil (i.e. error-popups). and requested
popups, which do not open _immediately_ after the request, are evil, too.
so are windows which close/resize/... without user-interaction.
(because they disturb/interrupt the user.)

there are solutions to this (see i.e. the firefox-find-"dialog") - but
unfortunately nearly noone uses them :(. it seems that most developers simply
don't care or don't know anything about usability... :(


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