Re: How to catch mouse events from a GtkImage?

On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 02:32:18AM -0300, Damián Cinich wrote:
I have a little piece of code where I connect the signals
corresponding to the mouse events to a GtkImage, and then the callback
prints a message when it detect some of these signals, but it doesn't
seems to work. If I connect them to a GtkWindow it works, but it
doesn't with the GtkImage.

Additionaly, the goal of catch the mouse events is to get the x and y
coordinates of the GtkImage for drag it arount the GtkWindow. Is it
possible? How can i do this?

Forget the event box, put the image to a GtkLayout instead
(filling the whole window) and move the widget in the
layout's mouse event signal handlers.


That's enough.

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