Animation in GtkTreeView

Hello all,
        I try to create animation using GtkCellPixmap in GtkTreeView using next

     angle += PIXMAP_ROTATE_STEP;
     rotated_pixbuf = pixmap_rotate (original_pixbuf, angle);

     gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (tree_model), &iter,
             FILE_LIST_COL_FILE_ICON, rotated_pixbuf,

this executes in g_timeout_add callback function.
I find that function gtk_list_store_set is very slow.
(cpu = 100% interval = 50 PIXMAP_ROTATE_STEP = 0.1f,
 cpu = 50% interval = 100 PIXMAP_ROTATE_STEP = 0.1f,
 cpu = 40% interval = 200 PIXMAP_ROTATE_STEP = 0.3f - this look bad)
pixmap_rotate function use cpu for 0%.
Maybe exists GtkCellRenderer that can halp me or another GtkTreeModel


and sorry for my bad english.
Dubravin Andrey <daa84 inbox ru>

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