ATK and window focus


I'd like to implement a fairly simple alternate input device using ATK.
I'm an experienced C and C++ programmer, but I've never used GTK+ or ATK
before (all my GUI-related development has been with Xlib or WxWindows).

I've read the documents "GNOME Accessibility for Developers (CVS draft)"
and "Examples that Use the Accessibility API", as well as browsing the ATK
API and skimming the start of the GTK+ tutorial (the sections on signals,
events, etc.), but there are a few questions I haven't been able to find
answers to.

1. I think I remember enough Xlib programming to recall the basic theory
    of how window managers work.  If I've understood the docs correctly,
    I can use the function "atk_add_focus_tracker" to watch for window-
    focus-changing events (such as when a different window receives the
    focus due to a mouse click).  But how can my ATK program change which
    window has the focus *by itself*?

2. I would like my little program to "recognise" certain other apps, so
    it can deal with them more specifically and effectively.  Does ATK
    provide functionality which can do this?

Thanks for your time.


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