Re: Set number of rows in GtkTreeView

On Wednesday 09 February 2005 13:56, Ken Siersma wrote:

I want to specify a number of rows to always display in my
GtkTreeView widget, regardless of how many entities are in my
GtkListStore.  I'm using the GtkTreeView to display a list of files.
Sometimes there are no files, sometimes there are 100 files.  I want my
GtkTreeView to always display 15 rows.

I'm porting code from Motif, and Motif can do this simply by specifying
the XmNvisibleItemCount property for it's list widget.  I'm looking for
a simple way to do this in GTK as well.  I've looked through the API,
but it didn't seem like there were any simple solutions like this.

There isn't really anything as simple as a property. If your rows are all the 
same height, however, you can probably do this in a hackish way, e.g. by 
estimating the height of one row, and then multiplying that height with the 
number of rows you want to be visible, and then call

         gtk_widget_set_size_request (treeview, -1, height) 

The tricky thing is to find out the height of a row of course. If you display 
simple one-line strings or markup, you could do something along these lines:

  simple_estimate_row_height (GtkTreeView *tv)
      GtkCellRendererText *cell;
      PangoLayout  *layout;
      guint  row_height, ypad;

      layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (tv, NULL);

      pango_layout_set_markup (layout, "<i>red fox jumps bla</i>", -1);
      pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (layout, NULL, &row_height);

      cell = gtk_cell_renderer_new_text ();
      g_object_get (cell, "ypad", &ypad, NULL);
      g_object_unref (cell);

      g_object_unref (layout);

      return row_height + 2*ypad;

I'm sure there are more accurate and less hackish ways, but this might just do 
anyway. If your treeview is in a scrolled window, you may have to take into 
account the height of the horizontal scroll bar as well (if it's not set to 
be invisible).


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