Updating activity progressbar

        Hi, I am using GTK+1.2.10 and I have an application which has a
progressbar in activity mode. From what I can understand from the
documentation, the way one updates the progressbar is by calling
gtk_progress_bar_update() with some percentage.

        The problem that I am having is that the progress bar updates by only
three steps and then stops. I have tried different percentage values and
nothing help.

        I am sure, I am not using the widget correctly somehow, but I am unable
to find any documentation on it.

        Any help is appreciated!!
                -- Mitko

     __  __  __________________ _________
    /  |/  |/  /__/__   ___/  |/  /     /      Dimitar Haralanov
   /          /  /  /  /  /      /  /  /       Software Engineer
  /   /   /  /  /  /  /  /  /\  \  /  /        Tahoe Networks
 /___/___/__/__/  /__/  /__/  |__|___/         mitko tahoenetworks com

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