getting started with GTK(2)...

Hi all,...

....being into using GTK+ - based applications for quite some time
now (mainly GNOME 1.2 and, by now, XFCE), I now spent (thanks to the
university) some time messing around with C and by now want to take
a look at working with GTK(2). Then again, looking at GTK2 and all
those things like pango, atk, gobject and so on, I am by heart
feeling lost with all this stuff, don't know where to take a first
peek at all this stuff, where to start dealing with this stuff,
where to start learning. Right now I'm wget'ting the GTK tutorial
and hope to get some clues after reading this. By now, I only would
like to ask: Are there some other manuals / tutorials / guides /
pieces of documentation I should be looking at while trying to get
goin' with GTK2? How to find out about all those other libraries
obviously more or less connected with GTK2? What about glade and
GTK2? Would be neat if someone could point me to somewhere to look. 

Cheers & thanks,

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