Re: Click and DESTROY

Maya wrote:
I have taken on the opportunity to learn Gtk+. Part of my program calls a function that displays a Dialog 
box, but I don't know how to destroy the Dialog window when by pressing the OK button.

I have attached a copy of a file that has the function in question in the hope that someone here would be 
able to tell me how to go about it.


        hbox = GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->action_area;
        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox),btnOK, FALSE, FALSE, NO_PADING);
        /* Callback */

gtk_signal_connect_object( GTK_OBJECT(dialog),"activate",

Ok, implement

void eventBtnOk(GtkButton *button)
/*do your event handling here*/

You should also define a "delete_event" handler for the dialog to cleanup things if there are any, but I assume there will be some, before the dialog is destroyed. Widgets within the dialog needn't to be destroyed explicitly. I'm talking about some dynamically allocated data or something else.

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