Re: console applications in textbuffer

That would be libzvt2, and yes, it can quite easily, and it's fun too!
(Now go help me with my post earlier with gnome_app_new oddities :)

    -James Moss

* Ari Pollak (compwiz aripollak com) wrote:
I wonder if the main terminal widget from gnome-terminal can be 
embedded in another app..

Hal Daume III wrote:

I'm pretty new the GTK, but couldn't find anything addressing this in 
docs or the archives.  I would like to run a console application in a
TextView/TextBuffer (or the like) in my GTK2 app.  One way I could do 

 - display initial stuff in window
   - get user input*
   - send input to app
   - set cursor to end and display results
   - repeat

*get user input could be done by either tracking key strokes and
memorizing them (doing smart stuff with arrows, etc.) or: note cursor 
before getting input, wait for enter, get text btw prev cursor pos 
and new
cursor pos.

Is there a better, less ad-hoc way to do this?


- Hal

   ___   ___
  / _ | / _ \   Ari Pollak - ari aripollak com -
 / __ |/ ___/
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