Re: Widget look questions

 What about using some kind of look and feel -- like XMMS ?

--- ginxd btopenworld com wrote:
Surely you can just use something like an eventbox and look for the

then on top of the eventbox, insert and image and you're away?

 from:    Alex Pavloff <apavloff eason com>
 date:    Wed, 14 Aug 2002 02:31:27
 to:      gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
 subject: Re: Widget look questions

Hey folks.

I have a couple widget questions.

How would I (if possible) programatically (not via a resource file)

a) Make a button transparent

b) Take away the "3D" look of a button
b1) Change the outside line color of this non-3d button

Why do I want to do all these horrible things to make my apps look
ridiculous?  I'm using GTK for an industrial HMI, and my customers like to
be able to do things like make hidden buttons (aka touchpoints) and layer
them on their own pictures.  

Not all of them like the 3d look -- and sometimes, depending on the
environment (think really nasty dirty industrial plants), they really need
to have the ability to tweak their GUI.

So I have a Windows based program that outputs files that contain (among
other things) descriptions of the various screens that the users have, and
read the data in (on the Linux side) and create the few simple
buttons/label/pictures/data displays that the user needs.  They don't
want/don't need/wouldn't understand something like Glade, and it wouldn't
have the hooks for my stuff anyway.

All help is much appreciated!

Alex Pavloff
Software Engineer
Eason Technology
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