Re: signal for any child having changed?

On Mon, 2001-09-24 at 11:31, mcmahill mtl mit edu wrote:

Is there a way to get a signal when any text entry or combo box thats in a
window has changed without having to attach the signal call back to each

My application is I have a program with several entries.  When any get
changed, I want the window title to get a '*' appended to it.  Then when I
save my work, I'll get rid of the '*'.  I guess I can manually attach the
signal to everything, but I didn't know if there was a quicker (and less
error prone) way.

The attached solution isn't really a serious suggestion for how to do
this, I doubt that it is less error prone, but it is the "obvious"
solution that crept into my head when I thought about the problem.

The idea is to keep track of children through listening to the add
signal on the window. When a child is added, you check whether it is an
editable, in which case you connect to the "changed" signal, or whether
it is a container, in which case you connect to the "add" signal, to
recursively apply this protocol. Then, whenever an editable is added
somewhere in the child hierarchy, the "changed" signal is automatically
connected to. At least in theory. The problem is that the boxes
apparently wont emit the "add" signal if you add children through the
_pack methods rather than the add method. I believe this is a bug(?).
Anyway, a more serious suggestion is creating the editable widgets in
some factory method that takes care of connecting the signal, and only
add widgets obtained from the factory.


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