Re: [gthumb-list] Videos showing in a separate window.

Ubuntu 18.04 runs Gnome 3.28.2.  Its suppose to be standard Gnome, as
pure as Fedora, AFAIK.  Mir is long gone.

Hans Deragon

On 2018-12-27 6:10 a.m., Paolo Bacchilega via gthumb-list wrote:
Il 27/12/2018 11:12, Hans Deragon ha scritto:

Ever since I upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04, I use Gthumb 3.6.1 and it works
fine (love it) except for videos which now run in a very annoying
separate window instead of being embedded in the main window like it
used to be.

To give you an idea how annoying this is, imagine if for every picture
browsed it would show in a separate Eog instance and whenever say you
would want to zoom, you would have to switch to Gthumb's window, hiding
the picture doing so (running everything fullscreen), and then switch
back to Eog's window to see the result.

I am sure this must be some wrong configuration parameter in my account
that obliges Gthumb to use a separate window.  Anybody has a solution to

It should be shown in the main window, I'm not sure what display server
Ubuntu uses maybe there is some problem with mir.

- Paolo
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