Re: Re: deco-Math project, step 00_a: exact bin and dec 'ranges' (in gnumeric).

Hi B,

I don't understand your comments here. For example, you say:

i'm quite sure that 'crossover' between roundup and rounddown can be 
avoided and that 0,30000000000000004 can be rounded to 16-digit 0,3 
with IEEE 754 rounding mode 'ties to even'.

I don't understand what you mean by "crossover", but more importantly, I 
don't understand your comment about 0.3. Gnumeric already rounds down:


to 0.3 (displayed to 16 decimal places). Of course the true value is:


but that will be displayed as 0.3. So I'm not sure why you seem to think 
that Gnumeric is not already doing that.


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