Re: A newbie asks about printing labels

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 14:51 -0500, Haines Brown wrote:
   X-Original-To: brownh localhost hartford-hwp com
   From: "Andreas J. Guelzow" <aguelzow taliesin ca>
   Cc: Gnumeric Dev List <gnumeric-list gnome org>
   Organization: Taliesin Software
   Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 09:14:19 -0700
   X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new-20030616-p10 (Debian) at
   X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.0 tagged_above=0.0 required=5.0 tests=

   On Sun, 2005-27-02 at 07:24 -0500, Haines Brown wrote:
   > I'm in a position of having to begin using gnumeric to handle the
   > membership of a large organization, with very little experience in
   > gnumeric and none at all in Excel.
   > I've entered much of the data, and know that eventually I'll need to
   > print labels from it. I don't use a word processor, but LaTeX (with
   > emacs under Debian sarge).
   > I'm told that gnumeric-->TeX is the conventional way of doing labels,
   > but I'm uncertain how to go about that. 

   This may be the conventional way to do labels but it is not the easy
   way. I would export the data from Gnumeric into a csv file and then use
   glabels, a program specifically designed to print labels. I have always
   found doing labels in TeX or LaTeX to be more of a pain than worth the
   trouble. (I do virtually everything else in LaTeX.)

I'll defintely look into glabels, but I assume that I'll not get the 
typographic quality one expects from LaTeX.

Of course not. But we are talking about labels...

 I'd like to at least try 
to get LaTeX to work, but if I'm overwhelmed by the effort, I'll beat 
a retreat to your suggeted glabels, which sounds easy. 

I suspect that in LaTeX I'd have to devise a script to handle a CSV 

The csvtools package (a LaTeX package) is quite useful when handling csv
files. Occasionally I use that package so that I can export csv files
from LaTeX to create personalized exams.


Andreas J. Guelzow, Professor & Coordinator
Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
Concordia University College of Alberta

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