Strange date2unix() behaviour


I have searched Google and the mailing list and cannot find this 
mentioned anywhere, so forgive me if this is really basic (I don't
use spreadsheets much).

I have a date, formatted as Date->/m/d/y h:mm. It's in cell A5. The date
entered there is '3/26/02 10:30'. So far, so good.

In another cell I have '=date2unix(a5)'. Formatting for this cell
is 'Text'. However, the value which it is showing is this:


...which is bizarre since Unix timestamps are integers, not floats. The
weird thing is that this *does* round-trip; i.e. if I unix2date() this
value, I get the original date back.

I'm obviously missing something simple. So the question is: how do I 
get a real timestamp from date2unix()? Is it a formatting thing I'm 
missing or what? :)

Thanks for any pointers,


 Torben Wilson <torben php net>

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