Re: new "Add layout" dialog

Ah, ok... I didn't read your explanation very well, I assumed that was
just placeholder text because of the funky underscores :)  In that case,
is there really any need for an additional indicator?  Other than
keeping it first in the list, which I'd agree probably makes sense.
Ok, if you care to check the code in SVN - you'll see that separator
actually adds a nice touch to it. But may be it is really redundant.

(Also, I'm presuming "__default__" is some nasty string that you're
No, it is hardcoded - I added underscores (at that point) to keep it
first. Now it is just "default" (and it is translatable) - but it is
still first in any situation. May be, you're actually right about
uppercasing the first letter.

All other strings in the combo are really taken from X, that's true.



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