Re: Pluggable settings daemon


(replying to myself)

On Dec 9, 2007 1:23 PM, William Jon McCann <mccann jhu edu> wrote:
> Right.  I think the best approach might be to create a new svn module
> for the new settings daemon.  Call it gnome-settings-daemon perhaps?
> This way g-c-c can migrate to it when it is ready and gdm can use it
> right away.

Ok, so I've done this:

> First, we need to figure out what the mechanism will be for the daemon
> to load different sets of modules for different types of sessions.
> One option is to include all the plugins in the gnome-settings-daemon
> module tree but have each session individually specify a list of
> modules to load.  One possible implementation of this may be as simple
> as starting the gnome-settings-daemon with an argument to specify a
> gconf key name that contains a list of modules to enable.

The way it works now is that it will load plugins by reading from a
gconf prefix/path.  By default the prefix is:

But this can be changed using either an environment variable (useful
for when it is autostarted by D-Bus) or a command line option.  For
example, GDM would load plugins from the prefix:

Or something similar.

The default prefix is populated by the provided schemas:

> Second, we need to convert the reset of the current g-s-d
> pseudo-modules to g-s-d plugins.

I only have a couple left to do.  The rest are here:

The only API that I know of that has changed is the media keys D-Bus
API.  The interface went from:
org.gnome.SettingsDaemon [1] to: org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys
[2].  So that it is properly namespaced.


It is pretty fresh so it would be great to get some people testing
this to find the bugs early.

What do you think?


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