A5 Booklet Printing =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=BF=BFdon't?= have this feature??


i want to print a A4 PDF into a A5 Booklet.. i thought i can do it using
evince, but found that i can't.

looking for some info, i found a way to print more than one page into
one A4 page, and using the duplex from the printer i can print into A5
size, but i can not fold it in half and get a booklet A5.

i don't know if it is a feature that must get into the Gnome-Print
system or if it is a feature of the printer.

i'm using a standard Debian Squeeze (official debs only)


Carlos R. Pasqualini <pasqualinic fcal uner edu ar>
Adm. de Redes - Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentación - UNER

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