Re: PR Worksheet take 2

How are you going to publish? Just send it to people that ask for help with a press release? Or would you like us to help spread the word?


On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 6:25 AM, Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier <jzb zonker net> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 4:30 PM, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:
> Looks good to me. Thanks for putting this together.

Thanks for the look-over.

Unless there are any further comments I'm going to consider this good
for now. Thanks all!



> Stormy
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier <jzb zonker net>
> wrote:
>> Another iteration attached. Now 9 questions long. Don't want to get
>> much beyond that.
>> GNOME PR Worksheet
>> This is to help simplify putting together a press release / press push
>> for GNOME activities. We don't need to do press releases for every
>> GNOME activity or release, but should think about the activities and
>> events that will generate the greatest press interest.
>> 1.) What's the target date for the announcement? Is this a hard deadline?
>> 2.) What is the news that is to be announced and what is the audience
>> for the announcement (users, developers, all GNOME contributors,
>> etc.?)
>> 3.) What are the primary "messages" or key points to be conveyed by
>> the announcement? What are the most important facts or ideas that a
>> reporter or reader should take away from the release?
>> *** For example: 3 to 5 bullet points about the event or release. If
>> it's a software release, the top 3 to 5 benefits of the release for
>> users and that will interest press. If an event, the top 3 to 5 ideas
>> (not counting the event details like dates or location) that a reader
>> should come away with. ***
>> 4.) Who should be quoted in this release? Please provide contact
>> information if at all possible.
>> *** If possible, please supply a sample or suggested quote. What would
>> you like the person to say? We can tweak the language and work with
>> the sources, but it helps to have a general idea what we're hoping to
>> have a quote convey. ***
>> 5.) Who should be the key spokesperson or persons for this
>> announcement (if different or additional to above)?
>> 6.) Please supply as much supporting detail as possible, or links to
>> supporting information: Such as, event dates, download locations, etc.
>> Please attach any release notes, announcements, links to blogs, etc.
>> that might be used for this announcement.
>> 7.) Who needs to "sign off" on the release before it is published?
>> Will another organization be making a joint announcement with us?
>> 8.) Any additional news outlets that might be interested in this
>> announcement? (i.e., outside the usual Linux community news sites and
>> IT tech coverage).
>> 9.) Anything else we need to know about the announcement? Is it in any
>> way (that you know of) "controversial" or any specific background on
>> what we need to know in order to field press questions about this?
>> --
>> Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier <jzb zonker net>
>> About:
>> _______________________________________________
>> Gnome-press-team mailing list
>> Gnome-press-team gnome org

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier <jzb zonker net>

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