Re: GUADEC, status, my plans

Hey Colin,

Colin Walters <walters verbum org> wrote:
> Basically my plan is to keep working
> some more on the GNOME-OSTree builds, since I'm already finding it very
> useful in my daily workflow.  Along with that, my regular time in patch
> review, etc.  Basically the same thing I've been doing for the past
> year.

Getting more people involved in OSTree seems like a must. Are there
any standalone tasks that you know of? Is it worth setting up a
Bugzilla product?

We set two action items during the BoF that we should probably discuss
- 1) set up a build bot and 2) improve the web front end. Perhaps you
could fill us in on what's involved there?

> I'm working simultaneously on making /etc writable (so NetworkManager
> can save wireless networks), and looking at systemd.
> Anyways, clearly having some sort of basic application story is going to
> be important if one buys into an OS/application split as OSTree forces.

Sounds good. Applications are critical, obviously. That ties in with
the application installation story, and I guess that integrating with
that is the long-term goal. I wonder though - is there a short-term
solution we can use to make it dog-foodable?

IRC:  aday on

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