Re: Ideas for upcoming Bolzano GTK+ hackfest

Brian Cameron wrote:

> At last year's GTK+ hackfest there wasn't a lot of a11y discussion or
> participation from the people who work on a11y-specific GTK+ features.
> Since the hackfest is invite-only, I suspect that the right people will
> only get invited if there is some reasonable list of issues and items
> to warrant people traveling to attend the event and spending time
> working on the issues involved.

Well, more exactly, people invited are the ones who have a major GTK+ feature
in the works already, so we invite them to get face to face with the
maintainers and other developers, present to them, discuss any remaining
issues, work them out, and ideally get the work merged in.  So, *going* to
GTK+ Hackfest to start bringing something up is not the best way to approach
this.  If someone can start discussion about outstanding a11y issues with GTK+
and come up with an action plan, it may justify bringing them to the hackfest
to further that plan.



PS.  Willie, I'll send you the Evince write-up this week, really.

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