Re: Time for another IRC meeting?

OK - seems like there's enough of an interest for people to want to have a formal time to get together versus just 'hanging out' and running into each other.

So....we're now back to finding good times for everyone. This is hard given that we're all over the world:

I'm happy to suffer some pain this time around, though, and let some of our other folks enjoy normal working hours.

How's about accommodating our Beijing and South Pacific folks this time? Say 01:00AM UTC?

If that's OK by you, when is a good day of the week? In addition, any suggestions for topics? I'd like to at least talk about getting some momentum going around the grant program.



Willie Walker wrote:
Hey All:

Wow - these past few months really wore me out. There were a lot of deadlines all over the place, and they all seemed to happen at the same time.

Those are behind us now (yeah), and I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in getting back on the #a11y channel on some time just to chat as a group. One thing I really want to see is more progress on the "GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility" work. There's good work to be done, and we need good people:

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