[Glade-users] list problem

Hi there. 
For some reason I can't get anything to show up in my
list widget. I need to get some info from another part
of my program and then it has to display a list of
things in the list widget so that the user can select
one of the options. 
I have looked through the archive, but it seems most
people had difficulty in getting the pointer to the
widget and not actually "accessing" the widget. 

Here's my callback function.

void on_button_open_clicked (GtkButton *button,
gpointer user_data)
   GtkWidget *mylist;
   gchar *text;
   gint result;
result=gtk_list_append_items (GTK_LIST(mylist), text);


I am using glade to create my files for me. 
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot

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