[Gimp-user] Golden Text Bump-Mapping in 2.10.22

To anyone who knows,

I am trying to learn how to do gold text on GIMP.

I found an example Simon Budig did apparently some time ago located here.

And also located here:

I really like the top text effect. I've been trying to learn how to do text like this for a while now. It can 
be seen blown up here:http://www.home.unix-ag.org/simon/gimp/pics/golden/render1.gif

How can this be done in verson 2.10?
Will this plug in being used here work in it?
Or are there now built in tools that can do the same thing?

I tried the tips in 2.10, but don't know how to even try to add the plugin, where it might be found, or if it 
would even work in this 2.10 version of GIMP.

If you know of a video that shows how to do this effect like this, that would be best for me. I've been 
looking for one, but not spotted it yet.

Any tips will be much appreciated.

Thanks for considering this,

Dave Babcock

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