Re: [Gimp-user] Features

Mr. Quinn,

GIMP has no single tool for this purpose. But it IS an editor with layers and a different image can be added to different layers. With the use of masks you can with great precision decide which parts of which layers are "visible."

A quick google search

results in quite a few "tutorials" on using layers to create a montage.

I do this a LOT, though for enhancing image I've taken. For example, if an image of the setting sun has the foreground is too dark because the camera overcompensated for the bright sun, I can create a second image layer by duplicating the original, lighten it with a tool so the foreground is brighter, then use a mask to show only the lightened foreground of that particular layer (typically using a gradient); this is a very common technique, a pseudo-neutral density filter as it were.

Given that GIMP is free and works very, very well, it may pay for your effort at learning its use (I got into GIMP by digitizing old family photographs that require MUCH cleaning, so I've spent many, many hours using it).

Hope this helps,


On 3/18/21 10:17 AM, WOODY QUINN via gimp-user-list wrote:
Looking for a photo editor with features similar to PaintShopPro or older Roxio Creator, must include "cookie-cutter" 
or "scrollsaw" features, for creation of photo montages from multiple photos.

Is Gimp a likely choice?

Woody Quinn
quinn_wl comcast net
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