Re: [Gimp-user] Help with python-fu

On 2/17/20 9:41 PM, Alussam wrote:
Hello! I need some help with writing simple plugin. I tryed to use ready to use
plugin code from But when I used
it, seems nothing happens. So I made a simple script, which prints message. But
nothing works seems. Please,whatch video for details:

Thanks for help.


Your script registers (shows up in menus, listed in pluginrc), so you
have it basically right.

When you run it you get his message (may require to use Gimp-console if
you are on Windows):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/lib/gimp/2.0/python/", line 857, in _run
    res = apply(func, params[1:])
TypeError: crop_all_layers() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

This is because your function takes one single argument ("image"), and
since your plugin is using old-style registration, an image and a layer
are always implied as the first two arguments, so you need at least two
arguments in your function (and you can ignore the second).

A better approach is to use new-style registration. In this registration
model, the menu entry is split in two: the menu label as before, but
without any path, and a named "menu" argument with the path:

Old style:

    "RGB*, GRAY*",

New style:

    "RGB*, GRAY*",

However with the new style registration, there are no implicit
arguments, so you have to declare your image argument:

    "RGB*, GRAY*",
    [(PF_IMAGE, "image", "Input image", None)],

And then of course use a function that takes a single argument, the image.

Some hints to debug your scripts, especially if you are on Windows:

PS: Couldn't see anything useful in your video, it is too fuzzy to see
the labels. Best make static screenshots, and copy/paste any error
messages as text.

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