Re: [Gimp-user] open pdf with range

Do you have an example of the PDF you’re trying to open? Is it a multi page document?

A link to the PDF would be helpful, but it sounds like GIMP is giving you the opportunity to open a range of 
pages, that is, a sequence of adjacent pages.

Hope this helps.

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It’s better to wave at a stranger than to ignore a friend
 * * ** *** ***** ******** ************* ********************* 

On Oct 25, 2019, at 8:19 AM, Pansmanser <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

When a pdf is opened in gimp, there is the opportunity to select a range. Does
this load just a part of the pdf page? If so, how is the range specified? Or
maybe it loads certain pages?

Pansmanser (via
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