[Gimp-user] X-Default

I hope somebody can help me. 
Meanwhile I've corrected thousends of fotographs by Gimp (Vers. 2.8.14). 
All of these pictures are described with any foto processing program (e.g.
photoshop) under the EXIF name of 'title'.
If I use gimp2 the EXIF picture description got lost and instead of this I get
'x-default' as new title.
If I open File>Properties I can find the my original picture description as
EXIF-Dates of  'ImageDescription' and 'XPTitle'.
If I save the picture I find (instead of the correct Title) always 'X-default'
as the Title.

My foto is described by 'Railway Station' as EXIF title.
In Gimp2 I find under file>properties as ImageDescription and as Title  'Railway
If I Export or overwrite the respective foto I get 'X-default' instead of
'Railway Station'

I use the windows version 2.8.14 in German.

I tried nearly everything to find a solution but I failed. Does somebody could
help me?

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/867/original/19650416C_009DK.jpg

GeoSte (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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