Re: [Gimp-user] How to process photos that center exactly on photo paper standard sizes.

On 11/06/2017 01:44 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:

On 11/05/2017 11:11 PM, Notarobot wrote:
Apparently, no one on the internet knows the answer to this, nor does anyone on
this board..

Don't give up on us quite yet.  :)

For print applications the general rule is to make finished image files
300 DPI @ whatever size the finished product will be, to assure clean
clear results.  Example:  A finished image for print that is 3" x 5"
should be 900 x 1500 pixels.  In some cases you will be able to get
acceptable results at lower resolution - for instance images for use in
word processing documents are often made @ 150 DPI.

I forgot to mention:  Export your images for print in PNG format.  This
gives you /reasonably/ small files with no loss of resolution.  Other
compressed formats like JPG are "lossy" and introduce noise into the
image, even at a "100%" quality setting.


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