[Gimp-user] Move a portion of an image

Thanks for the detailed reply.  The grey area of the selected item was
left after I used cut to remove the figure that I wanted to move. 
Your procedure using copy instead of cut works for me up to step 4,
but then I cannot find a way to remove the original figure that I have
copied.  Paint and bucket fill have no affect, and when I move the
pointer to the image it shows a little circle with a backslash to
indicate that those functions are not allowed.  'fill whole selection'
is enabled.

I am attaching two screen images.   One shows the original image that
I need to change so the letter E will be evenly spaced with the rest
of the letters.  (I am trying to create a logo for a community radio
station.)  The other image shows the letter E after it has been copied
and I cannot find a way to remove it at the original location.

Always better with an actual image to work on as there are several ways you can
do this.

Still using fuzzy select

Select the outline - and grow by one or two pixels

Change the select mode to addition - click in the middle to add the center of
the letter.

Cut the selection then de-select all Select -> None

Paste the selection back in Edit -> Paste

That gives a floating selection layer.  Use the move tool, click in the canvas,
use the keyboard arrow keys to move.

When finished Anchor the floating layer. Layer -> Anchor layer.

Hope you can watch that as a video.  1 minute 20 seconds, so do not blink


* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/501/original/move.jpg

rich2005 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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