[Gimp-user] Email for Dark Refraction?


I use GIMP 2.8.16 on Lubuntu 16.04 LTS. (No doubt when 16.10 is available and I install it, I will have 
2.8.18 available)

I ALSO use Dark Refraction's nightly builds 2.9.x versions for Windows, used through WINE,
as I sometimes want a feature not available in the 2.8 series.
(I have both, because I need to be able to use GIMP, and If I only have the unstable version, and it crashes, 
then I would
either have nothing to use, or would have to un-install it, and install the stable version, just to edit a 

However, the last two times I have been able to download versions (DR has sometimes been unavailable for long 
the program fails with:

scott@scott-Asus-M2N68-AM-Plus:~$ wine /data/scott/Downloads/gimp-dev-i686-2016-08-02/bin/gimp-2.9.exe
wine: Call from 0x7bc4cf69 to unimplemented function libstdc++-6.dll._ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev, aborting
err:module:attach_process_dlls "libexiv2.dll" failed to initialize, aborting
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for 
L"Z:\\data\\scott\\Downloads\\gimp-dev-i686-2016-08-02\\bin\\gimp-2.9.exe" failed, status 80000100

scott@scott-Asus-M2N68-AM-Plus:~$ wine  /data/scott/Downloads/gimp-dev-i686-2016-10-15/bin/gimp-2.9.exe
wine: Call from 0x7bc4cf69 to unimplemented function libstdc++-6.dll._ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev, aborting
err:module:attach_process_dlls "libexiv2.dll" failed to initialize, aborting
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for 
L"Z:\\data\\scott\\Downloads\\gimp-dev-i686-2016-10-15\\bin\\gimp-2.9.exe" failed, status 80000100

I have no problem with the 2.9.3 version that is dated 2015-12-02.

I have wanted to submit a bug-report for this, but I have had no luck in finding a place to do this.
I have searched in vain for an email for DR, so that at least I could email him/her/them with the above issue.

Does anyone know how to contact DR?


P.S.  Obviously, I would also be interested in hearing if anyone knows what the above error means, and 
especially if there is a 
"quick fix" for it...

P.P.S.  Meanwhile, I suppose I will look into trying to get the latest Windows stable unstable (!)  2.9 
series, which I believe is 2.9.4...

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