Re: [Gimp-user] Help With OSX El Capitan

This is normal the first time launching GIMP with OS 10.11.6. After that it should be much faster unless you 
are loading a very large file. I just launched GIMP—5 seconds. Loading one of my 16MB files takes 30 seconds. 
May take a bit longer on a 2008 MacBook Pro, mine is mid 2010.


On Dec 2, 2016, at 10:12 AM, Jollymath <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

This is probably just GIMP taking a long time to load fonts, which
happen after up-grading the OS.
It hasn't actually crashed, even though the window greys-out and OSX
complain that GIMP is not responding, the font loading is still going
and you just need to be patient.
Another user has recently been through the same thing with OSX 10.11
reported here:
The real problem is the ridiculous number and size of fonts which are
included with Windoze and OSX nowadays.

The usual advice given on the forums now is just to start Gimp running
then leave it alone - don't even touch the keyboard or the mouse, just
up, walk away and go do something else for at least an hour. (Yes,
When you come back, Gimp will probably be up and running and you will
have no further problems.

Having said that, we don't actually know how long it does take on OSX
10.11. So, if you have the patience, perhaps you could actually keep
an eye
on your computer while GIMP is loading the first time (read the
or something) and hopefully tell us approximately how long it does
take it 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, longer ?

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 9:07 PM, kelly wheelhouse <
kelly wheelhouse hotmail co uk> wrote:

My 2008 MacBook Pro just loaded up taking about ten minutes to load fonts!

Jollymath (via
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