Re: [Gimp-user] [Gimp-developer] Translation of Gimp


On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 7:05 PM, Pedro Albuquerque
<palbuquerque73 gmail com> wrote:

thank you for your answers.

Starting by the last one,

Maybe he is referring to Portugal's portuguese
João, I am, in fact refering to Portuguese-Pt, pt-Pt. I'm sorry but I'm
not sure if I can help you. As you know, our countries use many
different terms for the same English words. But if you think so, just
say and I'll send the translations for you to review and adjust, when I
get them done. It would be some less work to do.

Alex, no problem by me, it's a common confusion. ;-)

Jehan, sorry, I always forget of the attachments strips. Here
<> is the file.
Your explanation is a lot more complete then I expected. And more
complex too.

I am part of the Portuguese Gnome translation team. So I already used
DamnedLies to suggest lots of stuff, and submitted it to Duarte Loreto's
I use poedit to edit the files which, as you know, creates a .mo file
The problem I found is the only files I managed to locate were at
'usr/share/locale-langpack/pt/LC_MESSAGES' and none of them matches the
ones I downloaded from DamnedLies.

I thought I could just copy/paste the newly created .mo files and test
the translation. My mistake, huge mistake.

If not mistaken, this is possible to do as you think. I think the
right location though is more likely:
Do you have this file?

You'll still have to override an existing file installed by your
package (so you may want to save it before overriding). But that
should work.

NOTE: actually I see in gettext manual that there is a TEXTDOMAINDIR
environment variable. If I understand correctly, if you set it,
gettext should search in $TEXTDOMAINDIR/LC_MESSAGES/pt/
I suggest you test this. If this works, it will be better.

All that process you suggest, that will have to be studied. Besides, if
I understood well, it means some kind of overriding the team, which I
don't want to do.

Again thank for your answers. I'll complete the translations and upload
them to DamnedLies. For now. After that I'll see what else I can do to
test the translations, using your advices.

Do not take my word for perfect. As a developer, I am used to compile
GIMP, so I proposed the way I know. I didn't know poedit would compile
the po into a mo for instance (or probably I forgot. I used to use
poedit years ago, but have not since). Now that I know this, you
probably won't have to bother to all the building part I told about
(all the `configure` and `make` commands part).

You still want to get the last files though, but you may not even have
to clone the whole repository for it. Actually I guess you may just
download it through the web UI: (click the "plain"
Or if you want to work on the 2.8.* stable version:

This is like 90% of my email directions which can get rid of. :-)

Anyway if you already had some experience with the GNOME translation
team, it is even highly probable that you already know more than me
the procedure. :-) They have access to our repo and all GIMP
localization go through them without passing through developers.
Thanks for your contribution in any cases.


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