Re: [Gimp-user] "GIMP" for iOS

On 22.01.2014 00:21, Zot Dudot wrote:

Hi Zot,

The developer's name for the misnamed GIMP app is Amit Chaudhary. I
don't know if any of you know him (I'm guessing you do not, I don't
see his name listed among Gimp's developers/contributors nor is he
listed among Aviary's: If you do, are you
aware of this issue? 

no, we weren't

If you do not, do you plan on taking any legal action?

I've used the iTunes complaints form to file a complaint against this
app based on publicity, application name, keywords and other (i.e. the
icon). With some explanatory text of what people expect to get when they
see an application called GIMP photo editor somewhere.

Well... or at least I'm trying to, that page is sitting on
"Submitting..." for a while already.

Let's see if this is enough, once the complaint has been submitted.

After all, I (and surely others) feel cheated out of the
money I spent on the app. Whereas your desktop app is stellar (and
unbelieveably free)! So I was naturally surprised and let down by
this pretender app.

I fear that getting the 99c back might be more hassle than worth (unless
Apple just returns it to you, I have no idea how they handle such
cases). Maybe the fact that you have helped to take down an annoying
trap is some consolation (if it works, I hope it does)).
Sorry about your inconvenience.

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD

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